Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Easton & Ireland come to play

Last Thursday Easton & Ireland came over to play for a little bit. I always forget how much energy they have. We watched some t.v., played some racing games, coloured a bit, then played hide and seek for what seemed like Forever. They love that game, however they I don't think they grasp the concept of it very well, when ever Easton is hiding if you get close to him and you say "where's Easton?" he jumps out and says "Here I am" haha SO funny, plus they both giggle too much when they're hiding. Usually we I am on a team with Ireland, and Easton and Bryan are a team. Well our last game Bryan hid and we tried to find him, and we couldn't find him. Well I saw him behind a door at first but the kids didn't find him so I didn't say anything then we'd look downstairs and Bryan would move to a different spot and we'd hear him and go look. Well after he moved the second time I really had no idea where he was. Which is sad considering our house really has no places to hid.. especially if your not 2ft tall. It was so cute when we couldn't find him Easton and Ireland were getting sad and kept say " Oh No! we lost Uncle Bryan". After Hide and Seek, they decided that Bryan needed some help with his homework. All in all it was a pretty fun evening... minus all the tiny hand prints all over the walls :(

1 comment:

Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

those kids are so cute....it looks like you had a great and funny time together