Sunday, May 15, 2011

My 23rd Birthday!

I know this was a long while ago now, but I figured I should put it up anyways. For my Birthday Bryan planned a surprise birthday party for me on the Friday before my birthday. I had absolutely no clue, and was very shocked to come home to a bunch of people and decorations. It was only afterwards that things actually make sense, like him cleaning the house after work on Friday, and wanting to go look at a bunch of things before going home, and then having to stop at the store to use the bathroom because he had to pee really bad... That should have been a big give away since he NEVER has to pee so bad that it can't wait till we get home. But either way it was really fun, we had pizza, pop, chips, and all sorts of cakes for desert. Thanks to everyone who came and made me feel so special :)
On my actual birthday we watched conference, then went for a walk/hike to Big Hill Springs park (which was very hard with 3 feet of snow and a huge belly.. but a good work out). Then we went to mom and dads for dinner, I choose chicken wings, corn on the cob, garlic bread, for dinner and then some white cake for desert. Then I opened my present and just hung out. It was a fantastic birthday!

1 comment:

Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

It was lots of fun!!!! hey I really like the pic of you and Bryan together, you look very pretty with your new neckless, and Easton´s card was super cute : )