Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not really sure

S0o0o i noticed everyone always has their slide shows in their blogs..
and i always want to but i really dont know how to make the slide a part of my blog. So i always just put it as an extra at the top. But if someone could explain how on earth to put slide shows in with my blog postings.. that would be GREATT!! and very helpful.


Lindsey said...

I wondered why your slide shows would always disappear!! When you are done making your slide show you have to copy the "code" then paste the code in the "post" area(where you write) and then it will be part of your blog!! Hope that makes sense if not I will be at your house in less than a month and I will help you!!!

Bryan, Sheyleena, Legacy, & Ryland said...

Okay thanks, that does make sense.
Yay!! it so is less than a month you guys come up. I'm so excited.. and Ranger Lee comes home in like 15 days!!