Last Friday we got hit with a snow storm, with a bunch of snow, and Freezing cold weather. Previously we had only gotten a couple of inches the week before, but it had mostly all melted. But that first couple inches should have been a warning for Bryan and I to get some shovels.. since we didnt have any. But we didnt. So on Friday when we got a bunch of snow and it continued ALL weekend .. saturday afternoon we went out and baught them. Most the places had pretty slim pickins of shovels.. so we eneded up getting this huge one that you have to put your whole body into to move it. Good thing we got it cos this whole week has been really cold and really snowy. On sunday Bryan and I bundled up in our snow gear and shoveled the back parking pad and the front. Than we made some snow angels and played in the huge snowbanks. It was really fun.. it wasnt snowball snow or even snowman snow.. so we have to wait till the next snow for that. But this snow will be here a long while its just about up to my knees in most places ..
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