Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wheu that was a close one ..

Yesturday morning just at Bryan had left for work I was just going back to sleep.. when the phone rings at 5:45am.. in my head I knew it was going to be bad news (knowing the roads were really bad) and sure enough it was.. but not as bad as I had expected. I answer the phone and Bryan tells me to phone AMA.. cos he's in the ditch on the side of Deefoot Trail. Thank goodness he wasn't hurt and he didn't hit anything other than ALOT of snow. He had just got onto the highway from Airdrie and some truck came up behinde him cut in front of his going too fast and the guy started swearving all over, so Bryan avoided hitting him and the he did a donught and slide into the ditch ... luckily just clearing a speed sign pole by 2m. The sucky part was there was no way the car was moving it was right down in the ditch . I went and picked him up and called AMA.. they said it wouldnt be till Friday at the earliest.. and every where else was going to be forever.. So that night Bryan, Ranger Lee, Brent ( one of Dad's employee's), and I dug it out and by night time it was covered and frozed to the ground. We had to dig completly under the car since it was stuck there. The dig a path behinde it and than all the way up the hill.. But it worked ! We didnt have to spend money on a tow truck or wait forever for one.. Sadly I forgot to take pictures of just how much snow it was in..

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

bummer that is scary- good thing he wasn't hurt though! All that snow and freezing temps makes me glad I am down here!