Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Half a Ginger Bread House

A couple Mondays ago after the snowy blizzard Bryan and I both started home from work. We took a snow day.. and began making our ginger bread house. Bryan didn't want just any ordinary house.. he wanted it to be a mansion... from scratch.. so we found a picture online and had to figure out the sizes etc. It took us around 4 hours to make the dough, roll it all out, cut the pieces and bake them all. It was so much work. We put together the bottom half of the house and a bit of the top half.. but needed to let it dry. We were suppose to finish the rest in the next couple days... but that didn't happen. So our attempt at making a ginger bread mansion was a failure. In our defence it really is allot of work. .. Maybe next year we wont aim so high. But we did have fun doing it.

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