Sunday, September 19, 2010

While Lindsey and the boys were up, Jesse finished his externships early and was able to come up for a couple days. It was really nice having him here, we just about had our whole family together for the first time in a long while.
Of course no trip is sufficient without a ride on the bucket truck. So Corbin went way high up with Jesse, then Easton went up with Jesse, and Ireland went up with Bryan. They all had lots of fun. It's insane how fearless all these kids are. I was having trouble breathing with knots in my stomach just watching them all go up. Later we went for some yummy Peters Drive Thru, then headed to Bowness. The plan was to have a picnic and go on the pedal boats on the little lagoon at Bowness - but no surprise it was raining. It was nice just hanging out though..
We also went to the Calgary Corn Maze.. pics to come soon.

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