Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Zoo

While Lindsey, Corbin, & Coleson were up visiting I had a chance to go to the zoo with them, Crystal, Easton & Ireland. We ended up going on the hottest day of the summer, It sure was nice having the heat and would have been nicer if it stayed for longer though. We had lots of fun seeing all the animals and watching the kids reactions. We stopped to play at the park and have a snack and this Peacock was wondering around our table. It ended up coming right up to us and eating our cheese and crackers, it even went under our table. It was really neat but also freaky it being that close.. you just never know what it will do. The kids rode the carousal and had a blast, we eat ice cream, Coleson wore his ice cream - So Cute!! It was a really fun day. Oh on our way out we went to the dinosaurs.. and wow, they sure are alive. The big huge T-Rex takes you by surprise when it starts moving and roaring. It had been so long since I'd been to the zoo so I forgot about the new dinosaurs. They are pretty neat, and feel really real to - perhaps a bit to scary for the little ones though.

1 comment:

Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

it`s good that you went on a very nice and warm day...Can`t wait to visit the zoo,I want a pic with the kangaroo