Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The only family picture we have from Christmas
Opening a present a couple days prior to Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa UlrichHe loves the paper...Uncle Bryce and Auntie Tish with LegacyBryan opening his keyboardLegacy with his gifts from us and SantaAll his Santa presentsLegacy's stocking gifts
I know its now a couple weeks late, but I wanted to post a couple pictures of Legacy's first Christmas. We had a great Christmas and were especially happy to share it with family. Legacy had lots of fun opening his presents and then playing with the bows, wrapping paper and boxes...Eventually he started to get over whelmed with all the gifts (and he sure had allot). I know everyone always says to not buy much for their first Christmas.. but I'm not learning as a parent it is SO hard to not buy them every cool toy you see.
On Christmas Eve we had dinner with Bryan's family and played a fun game. And of course opened our Christmas Eve presents.. which as usual is pajamas. On Christmas morning for some reason Legacy knew Santa had some so he insisted on waking up at 6:00am bright eyed. So we opened presents with our little family. Then headed off to Church for an (excellent program). After church we headed to my family to open gifts, then into Calgary to open gifts with Bryan's family...(yes it was a long day) then back to my parents to have dinner and hang out. The day was definitely busy but well worth it to spend time with our loved ones. We are so grateful for all we have and the time we had to spend with everyone. On boxing day we headed to Bryan's Grandmas to get together with his extended family which was nice to see everyone since it had been a while.

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