Thursday, February 23, 2012


just recently found more "toys" to play withjust playing on his Dino..Legacy LOVES his bathtimeBest way to bring laundry and a baby downstairs/upstairs Kisses for Grandma & Grandpa UlrichSingingI haven't wrote an update on Legacy in a while, but he seems to be learning something new everyday. He is such a busy little boy and seems to be in a hurry to grow up. He started crawling in mid Jan and is SO fast, he can crawl up a couple steps of the stairs (then either he found what he wanted or looses interest). He also pulls himself up on whatever he can grab and walks around it. He LOVES to get into anything he isn't suppose to, loves chasing Saphire (she HATES it). He is so determind with such a personality, but SO much fun to get to watch and play with him each day. He also just cut his 7th tooth the other day and his 8th isn't to far behind. I just can't say it enough but I LOVE this little boy.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Sheyleena he is geting so big! And so stinkin cute!!