Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bryan's Car Accident

Last night around 930pm Bryan was heading home from hanging out at my house, heading south on deerfoot. He had just finished the merge- doing the speed limit, when he came up on a car in the right lane who was only doing 80 km. By the time Bryan realized the guy was going to slow, he tried to swerve out of the way, but didn't make it in time. Bryan spun around a couple times and both cars ended up in the ditch, just over a cliff, 100 metres from the road. Bryan was okay, his air bags went off and more than likley saved his life, although he's a little sore today. The other driver seems to be okay, he sat in the ambulance for a while, then went to the hospital. Hopefully he will be okay aswell. More than anything Bryan is upset his first car, which he loved is written off. Technically the accident was Bryan's fault, however the other driver was in the wrong, he said he was setting his cruise control to 80km, for the construction which started 20 km up the road.

Over all we're glad Bryan is alive and okay, cars can be replaced but people can't!
On a happy note- Bryan's already started new car shopping.


Lindsey said...

Wow how scary I'm glad he is alright! Geez he is lucky... bummer about his car but the nice thing is you get a new one!!

Unknown said...

GEEZ ... im so glad bryan was ok! hope all is well in canada ehh...

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