Monday, October 15, 2007

Our visit to Cardston

Just this Saterday Bryan and I took a drive down to Cardston for our friends wedding. We got in a bit early so we cruised the town of Cardston, which didn't take long at all. Grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the temple to walk around it and take some pictures. I haven't been there in so long I almost forgot just how Beautiful it is. After enjoying the wedding, it was pretty late so we decided to head to lethbridge and stay the night at Uncle Harvey and Aunty Wendy's. Before we left we took one more look at the Temple all light up, and took some more pictures. Later that night while in lethbridge we hung out with Mitch and Ian, some former missionaries; whom are now our good friends. We all had some laughs and even gave a hamburger to a homeless man. It was really fun! So all in all this weekend turned out to be pretty good. Especially being at the temple, I forgot how much I really love it their. Bryan and I can't wait to go back and actually go inside and do some ordaniances.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I LOVE the Cardston Temple! I love it cause it is so different than all the other temples!!