Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Bryans 22 Birthday
On Saturday Feb 23, I suprised Bryan with a snowboarding trip to sunshine for the day for his birthday. Sadly I had to tell him the night before so i could actually get him to get up at 6am on a saturday, other wise it would be pretty hard to make him bring his snowboarding stuff that early without him knowing. Ranger Lee, Bryce and Ally came as well. We all had a pretty good time. There was a lot of waiting on Bryan and Ranger Lee's part. But they had fun too. I think more or less I was the most sore the next day. We all had some good falls... some more than others. At the end of the day we decided we would do the ski out. For some this was a good idea and was very fun.. but for me.. not so much fun.. It took a very very long time and I seriously thought i was going to die.. Half way through Bryan and Bryce decided to take a harder route down.. so that left me all alone going down the ski out.. with noone to tell me to hurry up.. so i took my time falling while people Wizzed by me knocking me off my feet. But besides the ski out i had a good time. I looked hawt in my new gear. Bryan had a great time.
On monday Feb 25, Crystal and I made Bryan a specialy birthday dinner... yummy steak, cooked and seasoned baby potoatoes, corn, fruit pizza and ice cream cake. I also got him the Time Crisis game.. so Ranger Lee and him can play. And play they did.. they love it so far. I even played it once.. it's actually pretty good.
Happy Birthday Bryan. I hope you enjoyed your Birthday.
Maybe in a couple years we'll have some money to go away for your Birthday.
more pictures to follow from snowboarding
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
1 Year Engagement Anniversary
Yesterday Feb 25, was Bryan and Mine 1 year engagement anniversary. I can't believe we have been engaged for one year already. This past year has flown by so quickly. I can honestly still think everything thing that was going through my mind when he asked me to marry him. And I can still remember his shaky, sweaty hands while he was on his knees proposing to me in front of most of my family. So Happy One Year Engagement Bryan. I love you!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Corbin!!
It seems like just yesterday we got the call saying you were born.
I hope this year brings even more new and exciting adventures as last year did.
Let your curiosity run wild little man. Love you a bunch. Happy Birthday!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Back to Blonde
Over the last couple months i've been slowly trying to die my hair back blonde. And Now it is almost completley blonde.. maybe one or two more visits and i'll be a blondie again. Here are some pictures.. what do you think.. should I stay blonde for the wedding or go back to dark brown.. cos I miss dark brown too :(
Easton and Irelands First V-day Party!!
This Feb. 14 was thier very first v-day party, and party they did. At day care they made v-day box's and gave out their valentines to all their friends.. along with lots of candy.. I really think crystal had a hard time putting them to bed that night cos of all the candy and chocolate they had all day haha.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Every missionary comes back with some sort of weird food or neat thing they want their family to try. One of Ranger Lee's families always made wufums? not sure if thats right. But pretty much they are just a bisquet that you push onto these sticks the family made for him which pretty much make like a little cup out of the dough and you roast them like a marshmellow over a fire.. ( or in our case a BBQ) until they are cooked as much as you can.. then you take them off and put whatever type of pie filling you find into them, then add whip cream, and poof. you have a fun desert you have to eat in one whole bite. jokes.. but it's fun to try and eat them in one bite. They were pretty yummy... and pretty fun to make too.
Of all the days for a car accident, it had to be Valentines Day. This is how it went. I was running a little behind for work that morning. I park accross the street and of course cos of all the snow we just had my car was filled with snow all around it, so i had trouble even getting my car onto the road, but I finally did. So of course I couldn't get down the alley since all the snow piled up in front of the alley. So I was going to go the very long way around.. but Noo noo I decided to flip around and take the normal way. Which is when I stopped at the stop sign- it was all clear untill I just turned and then bam.. the truck was right there and I tried to stop, and he tried to swerve out of the way. But in slow motion I just slid right into him. Not much damage was done. But I was in a pretty bad mood, and pretty sad too. The guy was really nice, he didn't really care about the damage to his truck - which wasn't much. I think it might have been me crying that made him not really care much. Guys are always suckers for girls when they cry. But anyways.. Ranger Lee took some tie wraps and sewed my car back together. Now Adam Gregory's new name is Frankenstein :(:(
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Cutting Bryan's Long Luscious Hair
Look at all his hair.. thats not even all of it!
Every other day it seems Bryan is always bugging me to cut his hair, or just trim it. Even though I don't know how to cut boy hair. But then Sunday his hair was just too to long so he asked me to buzz it. I said no, then finally he got on my nerves enough so I told him I would. I was just thinking buzz it a bit so its not as long.. But no NO it turned out really really short. He likes it, but its just a little to short for me. I like the sides, but I wish the top was longer. Anyways though, Ranger Lee showed me how to cut boy hair and blend and what not. So next time I guess it's all my turn. Rather than Ranger Lee taking over. He did a nice job though.
Sweet Hearts Ball
at the stake centre. Mom + Dad, Clayton + Tasha also went. And pretty much those were the only people we really knew. Then a bunch of elderly people and people mom and dad's age. But it was funn!! the food was pretty good. I really enjoyed the buns and gravy they were yummy yummy!! The same band played that plays every year. They were good but it's not really my type of music. So Bryan and I only danced a couple times.. But it was fun. It was a nice excuse to dress up and get all fancy!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Canadian Idol Auditions
Baking fun w/ Bryan and Shey- Master Cheffs
confused bunny
Bryan and Shey's Bunny Family!!
(top left to bottom right)
curious, confused, pretty, playa,
happy, sad
Sunday's as most of you know are usually Bryan and I's baking day.. we havnt done that in a while, but we used to always bake something every sunday. Well this sunday we got back into it and we baked some rice crispy squares. And just for fun we made some little rice crispy bunnies too! Then we thought it would be fun to decorate them for Easton and Ireland.. but turns out we had no coke balls for the eyes or anything.. so we got creative with what we had... and needless to say we let our creativity run wild haha. All in all it was pretty fun. And neither of the kids ended up getting to eat any.. rather we enjoyed the fruits of our labour aswell as Mom and Ranger Lee!!
Sunday's as most of you know are usually Bryan and I's baking day.. we havnt done that in a while, but we used to always bake something every sunday. Well this sunday we got back into it and we baked some rice crispy squares. And just for fun we made some little rice crispy bunnies too! Then we thought it would be fun to decorate them for Easton and Ireland.. but turns out we had no coke balls for the eyes or anything.. so we got creative with what we had... and needless to say we let our creativity run wild haha. All in all it was pretty fun. And neither of the kids ended up getting to eat any.. rather we enjoyed the fruits of our labour aswell as Mom and Ranger Lee!!
WOOt Woot go Rice Crispy Bunnies
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