Tuesday, April 15, 2008


This past weekend and almost every night Bryan and I have been slowly packing up some of our things we wont need for a bit. And piece by piece Bryan has been bringing stuff to my house and leaving it.

Everyday I've been getting more and more boxes.. I have allot of stuff I decided. I really don't know how both Bryan and I are going to be able to fit in one closet and one room... good thing in our house we'll have extra closet space.

But still my room is getting emptier and emptier is so sad. The fun part about packing is I get to go through all my old things that i've forgotten about. Bryan got to see all my fluffy, frilley dresses I've kept from when I was a kid, he wasnt very impressed with them.. I think they might be a little outdated.

It's funny how we all keep clothes from when we were younger that we loved thinking our kids could wear it when they're older. But then we go through it all 5-10 years later and realize our kids wouldnt ever wear it. but yet we still keep it. OR maybe that's just me, I guess I'm a bit of a pack rat! oops

But as sad as packing has been its been really fun!


Lindsey said...

How close is your house to being done?

Bryan, Sheyleena, Legacy, & Ryland said...

uhm they're just about to start siding the outside then they insolate.. then drywall.. etc... our tentative possesion date is still early june

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