Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So as you know the wedding is getting closer! Only 18 days away.. or 3 weeks. And I cannot wait. Recently I had my second last dress fitting, and I love my dress, I'm so happy I still love it. I had a really tough time trying to find a beautiful modest dress.. so I settled for one I only half loved.. and after seeing other dresses I wasnt sure if I'd love mine. But I was able to find someone to add some custom beading onto my dress. I was a little worried I must say cos I did want some embrodory along with beads and she wasnt able to do that without taking apart my whole dress.. So only beads it was. And it looks awesome, she should be done this week, then it will be hemed and good to go.
I wish I could post picture on here,... But you'll just have to wait to see..

So far all the planning and things are just about done.. the bills keep adding up.
I have my check list and it's still long but it's getting shorter...

I still really can't wait, I still can't believe I'm going to be married in 3 weeks.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I can remember.. it seems like you will never be able to cross all the stuff off your list! But it will happen and the wedding will be beautiful!