Sunday, July 4, 2010

Canada Day

Happy Canada Day Everyone!!
This year we went to the parade - we were all a little late getting there so we only had a chance to get to the beginning of the parade. It was a little disappointing, but not horrible. However it was super COLD out. We were all huddled up in blankets trying to keep warm. This kids would hide under the blankets till someone came throwing candy, then they would jump up, run, and gather up the candy. It was cute to see them excited for candy - and they were both really good at sharing the candy they gathered with other kids around us if they didn't get any.
It was a pretty good day - Plus we got a 4 day weekend.

1 comment:

Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

it seems that it was colder than last year, I really enjoyed it...we are happy that the kids had fun