Sunday, July 12, 2009

New favorite snacks

Last November when we went down to Utah for Ian & Ashley's wedding, at the reception they had these yummy little bite size deserts. They are square pretzels, with a rolo and pecan melted on top. We kept saying how we would make them sometime.. but of course we never ended up doing so. Well this past Monday was FHE and so everyone usually brings a little snack, so I figured why not make these. Plus we had to go to Costco to buy this other snack that we found we love.. Guacamole nachos. And of course you can only get them at Costco, so while we were there we bought bulk everything we needed. If you've never tried either of these.. I suggest you do because they are both super yummy !!


Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

yes!!! guacamole nachos are SO yummy and I have to try thosse little desserts :)

Lindsey said...

those turtle desserts are so yummy and addicting!! I will have to try the chips they look GOOD :O)