Friday, July 3, 2009

Reunion Chapel

This past Sunday was an exciting one for us. The new chapel was dedicated!! So 1st and 2ND ward met here for the dedication and poor 3rd ward had to watch the broadcast at the Main St chapel. Airdrie now has 3 wards and 1 branch. Luckily we stayed in 1st ward ( it's not so bad in 1st ward now that we have some friends), Clayton & Tasha, and Crystal are in the Luxstone Branch. And of course Mom and Dad stayed in 3rd ward. So now we get to walk across the street to church... and then the Luxstone branch also meets at this chapel.
The outside is ugly red brick.. but the inside is SO beautiful... especially up where the pulpit is. Too bad I can't take some pictures of it. Unfortunately the landscaping is not entirely done, but it still looks good.


Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

I was so happy to be there for the dedication!!!

Lindsey said...

Beautiful and even better now you can walk to church!

Jameson Family said...

Wow!!! I can't believe my hometown has 3 wards and a new chapel. Crazy crazy!!! it looks wonderful.