Saturday, April 3, 2010


French Toast

Well as you can see I have been slacking.. allot. It's been a fairly busy month so I haven't had much time to post anything, here a some photos of what we've been up to. The month started out with Crystals Birthday, and ended with Dad's birthday. Unfortunately I forgot my camera when we celebrated Dad's birthday, so I'll have to get the photos from Mom. This month we also had the missionaries over a couple times and one of the times I made fruit pizza. And it looked really good so I took some pics of it. Right now our stake President and all the Stake's in Calgary have a challenge to have a new stake in Calgary by the time the Temple is built. So of course the missionaries have special challenges for the members to have someone to teach. And they start with little challenges like giving out a pass along card etc. We haven't gotten the big "7 Day" Challenge yet.. but I know it's coming. And it makes me nervous. But already there has been lots of success.
This month we also sold the old bucket truck, so I took some photos of it before they guy came to pick it up. This may not seem like a huge deal, but if you only knew about this truck and the head ache it's been you would be happy it is finally out of our hands.


Lindsey said...

Your fruit pizza looks SO yummy!

Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

Ranger lee really liked to see your fruit pizza, he said that is very looks like that...I never heard about fruit pizza before