Sunday, April 4, 2010


1st Day we got her (April 2, 2009)

As of April 2, we have had Saphire for a year. She has gotten so big in the last year and so much personality. Her favorite things to do include - laying/sleeping in the sun, playing with toy spiders and random small things she finds on the floor, sleeping in the entertainment centre, sleeping in her shoe box, attacking our feet, drinking fridge water with crushed ice, laying/sleeping anywhere, more sleeping and sleeping some more. She's a funny cat and I'm glad that we have her, however I wish she was still as little as when we got her. She was only 1/2 lbs when we got her and now I'd say she is around 15 lbs or so...

1 comment:

Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

wow its crazy how big she looks now...I have to say that I wish Draco was still a little puppy too...pets are so cute when they are little...its good to hear that she is doing very well :)