Sunday, August 21, 2011


A couple weeks ago we joined my Mom & Dad, Ranger Lee, Gabriela, Crystal, Easton, Ireland, Clayton, Styder, Blaze & Natanya at Kananaskis for a big family camping trip. Mom, Gabriela and Ranger Lee had been there a couple days and the rest a little bit to before we arrived on Friday. We had two joined camp sites and then one across the street which is the site Bryan, Legacy and I had. We were just planning on staying the night and seeing how it went, but Legacy did so well Friday night we decided to stay for Saturday night and came home on Sunday afternoon. We went the amphitheatre shows (which were really cute), we went to upper lake on Saturday to hang out. Bryan and I wanted to take the canoe out and Ranger got in the middle to fish, we had barley left the shore and then we went all wobbly and tipped over.. the water was SO cold. We decided to try again and this time took Easton out too, and go pretty far out.. and what do you know we started wobbling and then tipped over.. once again in the Freezing water. We also had a big water fight at the Bolton Creek which was really fun. On Sunday before we left we went on a hike.. which was actually allot harder than we thought it was especially for a 7 week old and then for me especially. But we made it :) Camping was allot of fun and Legacy did So well, we're so proud of him and hope he will love Camping like I do.

1 comment:

Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

It was so much fun to go camping, I still need to post my pics too,we need to set up the hammocks next time :)