Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Time Leaving Legacy :(

A couple Saturdays ago, we had a wedding to go to of Bryan's two high school friends. We were originally going to leave Legacy with his Grandma and Grandpa Ulrich for the ceremony and the reception. But decided to take him to the ceremony. I am so glad we did, he was sooo good. He was smiling the whole time they were reciting their vows. Plus he got to meet some people there, and then I didn't have to leave him for so long. But we did have to leave him for the reception. It was really hard to leave him and I felt pretty naked without him with me, but he was in good hands. And Bryan and I had a good time and even got to dance a bit. It was a really beautiful wedding for two wonderful people. We're so thankful we have so much family and good friends to rely on to watch Legacy when we need them. I'm hoping the next time I have to leave him will be easier, and I wont worry and miss him so much.


Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

Yes!!!!! I´m ready to babysit my dear nephew whenever you need I´ll teach him spanish :)

Lindsey said...

Leaving them for the first time is the worst- I remember crying... of course Jesse thought I was nuts!!