Friday, August 12, 2011

Legacy is two months old

On August 7Th Legacy turned two months. I can't believe how fast these past two months went by. I have loved every second of it and wouldn't trade the sleepless nights for anything. Legacy is growing up so fast and getting so big. On August 8Th he had his two month vaccinations. He did so well and only cried a little bit, he's such a tough little guy. I think I ended up crying more than he did. He now weights 13.5 lbs and is 23.5 inches long. He is already wearing 3-6 month clothes, its so sad putting away his newborn and 0-3 clothes. I hope time doesn't keep going this fast, or pretty soon my baby boy wont be a baby anymore. These are a couple of things Legacy loves to do.....Eat, Cry, Sleep, Sit up, Stand, Pull my hair, Shower, Listen to music (especially his daddy playing guitar), Swing in his chair, Talk, & Smile.. the first three are his absolute favorite. We love Legacy and couldn't have asked for a more perfect son!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're really enjoying motherhood, that's wonderful!
Oh it will continue to go by fast, just wait. It gets even more sad when you look back at their newborn photos 6 months down the road :( But it's fun to see them grow!
My mom and I can't get over how much he looks the the both of you! It's crazy!

Ranger Lee and Gabriela Falk said...

oh Shey he is growing SO fast :(, I love when he makes his talking sounds, so cute. We always enjoy his pics : )